On Sat, 6 Oct 2018 10:17:05 -0700
John Jason Jordan <***@gmx.com> dijo:
I need some advice with respect to the following command, which makes
my Synology NAS device a mirror of my external USB storage enclosure:
rsync -rptog --progress --stats --delete
--exclude-from=/media/jjj/Movies/rsync_exclusions /media/jjj/Movies/ /media/jjj/Synology
The first problem is that sometimes I get an error message that it
can't find /media/jjj/Movies. I found that a simple 'cd ..' followed by
'cd /media/jjj/Movies' solves the problem. I plan to convert the rsync
command above to a simple script, adding the cd commands in front of
the rsync command.
But there is a second, even worse problem: It sometimes can't find the
Synology NAS device. And if it can't find the device it dumps
everything into the local hard drive where /media/jjj/Synology is
(supposed to be) mounted. The hard drive has a couple hundred GB of free
space, but since the external USB device has over 7TB of data on it the
local disk is quickly filled up, and then the rsync command fails with
'the device is full.'
The Synology is mounted with this line in fstab: /media/jjj/Synology nfs
auto,user 0 0
I need to add another command before the rsync command that checks to
be sure the Synology is mounted where it's supposed to be and mount it
there if it is not already mounted.
And finally, I need to add something after the rsync command that
checks to be sure the command executed as it is supposed to and give me
a popup that it did, or that it did not. I have gxmessage installed and
I could probably figure out how to make it pop up the messages, but I
don't know how to check that the rsync command executed properly. Could
I just check the two filesystems to see if they are equal in all