FYI CentOS does not need the blessing of IBM any more than it already needs
the blessing of Red Hat. Here's some reading material you might find
development of Fedora and CentOS.
Post by John Jason JordanOn Mon, 29 Oct 2018 10:49:48 -0700
Post by Richard EnglandIBM will probably continue their Linux efforts. The better question is
what will they do with Fedora and the desktop. IBM may have little
interest in the desktop and their interest in non-revenue initiatives
like Fedora and CentOS are questionable, as well.
My take is that Redhat started Fedora as a test bed. I used it for a
couple of years before giving up on it. Yes, it's free, and in some ways
a competitor to the bigger desktop providers like Mint and Ubuntu, but
I couldn't put up with the constant, almost mandatory updates.
Nevertheless, while I bitched about having to update, I had to
recognize that I knew the purpose of Fedora before I started using it -
I got a free desktop in exchange for being Redhat's guinea pig. So, as
long as Redhat needs a place to test new ideas, Fedora will probably
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